About Us

The South Carolina Conservative Party became the exclusion state affiliate of the national political party, Conservative Party USA, on September 7, 2018.

Our Mission: Educate, Advise, Submit, and Elect

Our mission is best expressed with the mission motto: Vote with EASE

A valid political party is of many things. We use the phrase “Vote with EASE.” The letter “E” is to educate voters. The Conservative party has a political action course; www.politicalactioncourse.com. “A” is to advise voters about what each election is about and measuring the issues against the planks and principles of the Conservative Party. “S” is to select the best results to be obtained in each election, or non-election matters. “E” again, is to endorse that best result.

Our logo is an Seal. See: http://home.conservativepartyusa.org/party-seal/

Elections are not about political parties. Said again, elections are NOT about political parties, but candidates and issues. The states of Washington and Mississippi have removed political parties from their election processes. Louisiana is almost there.

It takes courage to be part of the South Carolina Conservative Party which is ahead of the curve. But, we rest easy because it gives us peace.

Here follows a few links to statements that best express the attributes of the South Carolina Conservative Party. They are in no special Order.

1. Our Creed

2. Core Principles

3. Our Objective

4. Declaration of Independence

5. SC Party Platform Background

6. Pledge

7. What is a Conservative?